Celebrating my 50th was a blast!!
Thanks guys for all the wonderful words and wishes - you're the best !!


I am wealthy in my friends

Carole made this beautiful cake and flower arrangement just for Moi!

Mary's first party in her new home was to celebrate MY birthday.

Wow look at all the decorations !

My treasure box in which I put all your warm wishes.

There were so many cards ... which to choose first!

I had to read each card out loud ... my mouth got so dry...

OK a break in all the reading - Mary get the beer please !!

Now lets finish reading all these beautiful cards.

Kenny, Kenny, Kenny - I'll save this for the next reunion so we can share it together.... like in the good old days.

The girls didn't forget the Bailey's ... but this one I won't share.

My dear, dear friends - I'm so happy to have you all in my life.

Ok this is a new twist on pin the tail on the donkey!

Hey Basil, I'm smiling now !!

My friend Carole.